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Old 03-01-20, 11:53 AM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

It looks the same and if it cross references should be fine, make sure it is 9 tooth, because the solenoid sits on top of the motor it is closer to the throttle linkage, on the first 401 I had to turn the pivot pin round the other way to stop it hitting the case, on the second it was already facing towards the front of the car but in one of the lower positions so it had to be moved and adjusted to get clearance, for the same reason check the position on the wires before tightening up, these issues arise on some of the high torque motors as well.
Sorry if the description is a bit vague but if you look at the linkage all should be clear.
The starter motors are shorter than the originals on my 401 and bolt straight on without problems.
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