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Old 21-05-20, 11:57 PM
peter dowdle peter dowdle is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: woodhouse australia
Posts: 261


I searched high and wide for a headlight switch for my 411 mk2. No luck with the factory at the time. People told me Jag, Jensen MG but nothing fitted the dash hole.I finally found on Ebay a switch from I think a David Brown tractor. A guy in Wales supplied it. When it arrived it was in its original Lucas Box. No 39823 it fits perfectly and will do the job but has no markings on it . I am trying to find someone to engrave it but have been a bit slack in that regard.

A recent search of Ebay turned up nothing but a company autoelectricalspares.Co.Uk have them for about 12 pound.

You need to ensure your car has headlight relays on both high and low beams as the switch will burn out over time.

Hope that helps

Regards Peter Dowdle
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