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Old 22-11-20, 12:55 PM
DODD DODD is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 86

Dear Zorglub,

Yes, it certainly does help, I am assuming that you have fitted the roll bar on the rear section of the lower wishbone, is that correct?
If you have fitted it to the rear of the lower wishbone, was there sufficient clearance between the engine sump and the exhaust downpipes? Were you able to reuse the existing lower wishbones?

I hadn’t thought it possible to upgrade to a later model, I will be making a few phone calls in the morning for parts availability and costs.

It’s also my intention to replace the rubber bushes on both the upper and lower wishbones during these works, working on the principle that they haven’t been done for very many years and it’s probably easier while the car is partially stripped down in this area anyway.
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