409 Engine numbers
Chassis number 7331 engine number is or was 161.111.547 and is a 1966 and 7353 was the last fitted with that series 1641.111.817c
several cars are listed as having a change of engine, 7343 changed from 1641.111.524c to 1641.111.541c chassis number 7345 changed from
1641.90876c to 1641.111.863c and chassis number 7353 changed from
1641.111.820c to 1641.111.524c which interestingly is the engine from 7343!
interestingly 7329 and 7345 share the same engine3 number but 7345 was changed as above so perhaps it was a clerical error, who knows.
The above will only confuse but as with everything Bristol details are slightly odd.
The build certificate from BHT may solve the mystery or even deepen it.