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Old 30-01-21, 02:15 PM
peter dowdle peter dowdle is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: woodhouse australia
Posts: 261

Very interested in the advice given which I am sure is very accurate. I recently did a lot of work in this area on my 411 and 412. My approach was to undo the 2 screws that hold the timber panel in place and prize the timber panel forward. The only problem I had doing this is that you would need to undo the speedo cable from the back of the speedo once you get things moving to enable the timber to move forward far enough to enable good access to the back of the gauges.

The fuel gauge in my 412 sat on empty. Replacing the tank sender solved the problem.

The 412 had an aftermarket amp meter when it should have had a volt meter. This required my auto electrician to correct the wiring.

Best of luck
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