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Old 07-02-21, 10:52 PM
dwomby dwomby is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Florida / Nova Scotia
Posts: 262
Default 408 exhaust questions

My 408 with Chrysler 360 fitted has a custom made exhaust that is very loud. it uses 2.25" OD pipe and no mufflers / silencers to speak of. Just straight through glasspacks. The glasspacks are 3" diameter and fitted below the original heatshields. Each pipe is suspended at only two points - just before the rear axle and just before the tailpipe. However, the hangers are metal, not rubber and not flexible.

I am planning to change this system but probably cut short and keep the downpipes that are on there.

Looking at the parts book it seems the original arrangements was a downpipe that extended straight to the muffler/silencer then a second pipe out to the back of the car.

Was that second pipe straight? The parts book makes it look like it may have bends in it to move the tailpipe position towards the outer edges of the car.

Where were the factory hangers fitted? It looks like one behind the rear axle and one at the tailpipe.

Were the factory hangers rigid?

Thanks for any help.

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