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Old 11-02-21, 11:03 PM
Richardmulcaster Richardmulcaster is offline
Join Date: Jan 2021
Posts: 23

Originally Posted by John Keighley View Post
I concur with Peter Dowdle. I still have the original unit out of my 410 stored in a caboard box. To replace it, I looked for something that fitted nicely in with the area where it mounts and generally, I am happy with the system (a JVC) although it was fitted in 2008 or 2009. If I were to replace it today (and an upgrade is in the pipeline), I would be looking for something with bluetooth.
My 410 has speakers mounted on the rear shelf and the front speakers are under the dash facing downwards. It's not perfect but I can live with it.
My biggest issue is electrical signal/interferrence from the car's electrical system and I have never been able to find the origin of this. I had initially thought of putting speakers in the insides of the doors but Peter D has just convinced me why I shouldn't.
Get a good really superior quality system with high grade speakers and you shouldn't go wrong - the right sounds in a Bristol should be music to your ears!

Thanks John

I am dreaming of that summer day, when we're driving the #NorthCoast500 and seeing the best scenery in the UK - and the audio is playing perfectly - maybe not FM, AM or any radio when you're that far north, but that's why I want the bluetooth, ipod connectivity etc...

I remember interference issues on my very first car (Vauxhall Chevette!) and my Dad telling me to fit Suppressors on the line! I hadn't thought of that for at least 28 years!!

Re - under dash speakers - I had a conversation today with a car audio guy (from the link i originally posted), and he pointed me to a speaker in their range called a DVC (dual voice control), and basically is two speakers in one, and designed to go in the front, in the original spot in front of the gear shifter and does the same as two speakers, OK - so I get it that music audio purists may disagree with that statement, but maybe that will be fine for my needs....
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