Thread: 411 fuse boxes
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Old 21-02-21, 09:32 PM
peter dowdle peter dowdle is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: woodhouse australia
Posts: 261

Thank you Kevin and Geoff for your help.

Kevin the first photo you posted is of the fuse box which is supplied with power from the ignition switch. You would note there are a lot of white wires coming in to the right of the box, these are all I believe power into the fuses. Where they come from and why there are so many defeats me. The white wires are the ones that burnt. Is it possible to get another photo taken a little further back to help me trace the white wires to there source. The condition of your loom appears to be excellent. Why did I ever sell that car ?

My 411 is currently at the local garage having work done on the new air conditioning system so I cant post a photo.
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