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Old 09-03-21, 06:50 AM
AndrewA AndrewA is offline
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 202

Morning - I must admit I was only holding back as I'm unable to answer your specific question. As I may have told you I've got a 410 with a 318 in it. It's got an Edelbrock carb on it and a big circular aftermarket pancake filter. With that set up I only get any induction noise on kickdown and personally I don't find it unpleasant. When pottering/cruising it's quiet. This is helped massively by the other big improvement from when I redid the heater matrix and fan motor last year. Encouraged by Roger on here I paid a lot of attention to re foaming/re sealing all the various joints and gaps and so on between the engine compartment and the interior. I found it a painful process but it has transformed the driving experience - most noise (and occasional smells) now stay outside where they belong.
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