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Old 10-03-21, 12:22 PM
dwomby dwomby is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Florida / Nova Scotia
Posts: 265


Thanks. The carb has what seems to be considered 'standard' throat size for a 4 barrel carb here - 5 1/8" or, I calculate, 130mm (Sidenote - I am Brit born of an age when we learned 'imperial' units of measurements, then went Canada and became modernized to the metric system but now I am in the US most of the year and EVERYTHING is back to 'imperial' (except they call it 'US' and have smaller pints and gallons))

The threaded post for the current air cleaner is VERY short as its retaining nut sits within the air cleaner at the bottom!! I like the idea of using plasticine to establish what clearance I have. However, my challenge is not over the centre of the air cleaner or to its rear or sides. If you look at the 3rd pic I posted above, you'll see the front of the current air cleaner will almost touch the bonnet when it's closed. That front edge is about 4.5" / 115mm forward of the center of the threaded post holding down the air cleaner. So a round air cleaner of the same overall height (3" / 76mm) could be a maximum of 9" / 230mm diameter before hitting the bonnet. Anything of larger diameter needs to be lower. Yes, there are air cleaners with recesses so they sit lower on the carb but so far, I haven't found one that will sit low enough to avoid hitting the bonnet and/or not interfere with the throttle linkage and/or electric choke.

I'd love to fit a round air cleaner with one or two snorkels but I am beginning to doubt that will be possible. I'll keep working on it.....................

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