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Old 25-06-21, 11:46 AM
DODD DODD is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 85


I didn’t need to replace my cams but after inspecting the cams and tappets, when assembling I poured a small quantity of oil into the cam/tappets prior to inserting the push rods.

You are probably aware that when fixing the timing chain cover the engine sump should be removed to do the job properly. The previous person who had my timing cover off didn’t appear to do it and the result was a slight oil leak.

I didn’t use any special oil after putting everything back together but I did treat the engine gently for a short time before checking the torque on the heads again and then all was back to normal.

When I was dismantling the various bits off my car, the job was made quite difficult, again by the previous mechanic who used steel nuts on the exhaust manifold (a number of studs sheared off in the head during their removal) and a combination of “make do” bolts and studs elsewhere, I decided to replace all the nuts, bolts, studs and washers (washers where necessary/required). Replacement brass nuts are readily available for the exhaust manifold with the correct thread.

I am not sure which part of the country you are in but please feel free to give me a call if you need a quick answer when putting things back together. My details are in the members section.

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