Thread: 410 Wiring
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Old 17-08-21, 10:01 AM
Roger Morrall Roger Morrall is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 73

Originally Posted by DODD View Post

Can anyone help me identify some of the wiring behind the dashboard of my 410.

You may find it helpful to refer to the 410 wiring diagrams that I posted 26-11-2019 under the thread 410 Alternator charging fault. (At that time my nom de plume on this forum was PEU186F).

The comment that I made at that time re starting with a large sheet of clean paper and drawing out the alternator - ammeter - battery connections for yourself still stands as it is almost impossible to gets ones head around those parts of the circuit from the original wiring diagram. In essence any wire that is brown or brown with a tracer is or should be part of that core alternator, battery, ammeter circuitry.

So thick brown wires that don’t apparently go anywhere really are a big anomaly

I surmise that somebody may have disconnected and bypassed the ammeter (which had happened on PEU186F) which is something that can be achieved by rearranging the connections on the blocks in the wing bay, (look out for any jumpers on those blocks, there were none originally) but this could be a complete red herring.

You will note that the fuel pump is fed from the input side of the fuse that feeds those switched circuits that are rather inadequately fused, so is not itself fused.

By the way my understanding from the diagram I posted is that all feeds from the switched fuse are green, it is the feeds from the un-switched fuse that are purple.

Good luck
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