Thread: 410 Wiring
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Old 17-08-21, 04:20 PM
Roger Morrall Roger Morrall is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 73


That could well be the case. Especially if all else and the ammeter works as it should. I had a number of wiring diagrams, one of which I think purported to be for the 409, all of which are now with PEU186Fs new owner but I’ve never ever spotted one that included any details of the push button gear change mechanism. I wasn’t even aware that the early 410s retained it but one lives and learns. It also wouldn’t have been beyond Bristols to use a left over 409 wiring harness in a 410.

While you’re thinking about all this spare a passing thought for your ignition switch and the load it’s handling and marvel that it’s lasted as long as it has.
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