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Old 20-08-21, 06:19 AM
Hervas Hervas is offline
Join Date: Aug 2021
Location: Kenley, Surrey
Posts: 5
Default Four Counties Classic Car event on Saturday

I'll be taking my Bristol 411 to the Four Counties Classic (FCC) on Saturday morning. It would be good to see other Bristols there. I organise this free gathering for all pre-1990 classic cars.
The gatherings from 9.30am to noon on the first and third Saturdays of every month throughout the year at The Red Barn Tandridge Lane, Blindley Heath, Lingfield RH7 6LL
The next gathering is this Saturday, 21st August, then 4th September, 18th September etc,
The event is a static gathering in the midst of some wonderful driving roads though the scenic North Downs. When the weather was kind, prior to the.loc-downs we often had as many as 130 cars in attendance. One reason for the success of the gathering is its geographical location close to the borders between four counties. We have regular members who come from Surrey, Greater London, Kent and Sussex. There are probably more classic cars in these four counties than anywhere else in the country (and therefore the world).
The Four Counties.Classic has a very active Facebook page:.
Or contact me
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