Thread: 410 Wiring
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Old 02-09-21, 10:35 AM
Sam410 Sam410 is offline
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Originally Posted by DODD View Post
Looking at the loadings going through the ignition switch gives me some concern.
To possibly fuel your concern, I have got through two ignition switches in the near 90,000 miles I have had my 410. The original (or at least the one fitted when I bought the car) expired around 12 years ago, its NOS replacement lasted about 8 years and I fitted a new replacement then. The modern one has one less terminal posts than the older design, so there was a degree of head scratching involved to work out which wires could be combined.

When they start to burn out there is an unmistakable fishy smell as the plastic of the switch overheats. The first one finally failed in France and I spent the next 1000 miles having to hotwire the car at every stop!
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