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Old 03-09-21, 09:13 AM
Geoff Dowdle Geoff Dowdle is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 416

Glen ,
I fitted 405 front brakes to my WOK#11.
Initially with the self adjusting links but I found it was difficult to get them both adjusting correctly and evenly . Your problem could be the tension of the bolt on the opposite end of the link to the serrated adjuster. This should have just enough tension to allow it to slide.

After fettling it for a while I decided to convert the wheel cylinders to the earlier 400 - 403 system where there is a cam adjustment with a screwdriver through a hole in the brake drum .
One end of each shoe had to be modified to fit the cam adjuster.
I never had any further problems, although I never covered high mileage in it before I sold it a few years ago high.

I'm pretty sure there are plenty of 405's out there that still have the self adjusting system working well , but will one of those owners reply to you post !!!
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