Thread: rebuild costs
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Old 06-11-21, 12:26 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Hi Raymond,
I think you might find this link interesting as it covers most of the structural problems you may encounter on a 401 or 403, not all and some can be a lot worse. There is one shot there of an area above the screen where the alloy has corroded and another where a small section of metal has been let in, this would have been as a result of the hessian rotting and the two metals being in contact, its not that common there are areas where you will find more problems.
Mike had to do most of these areas on my 401 plus one rear corner of the main chassis which is a common area for rot because of Bristol's practice of overlaying metal.
I would have had the 401 painted by now but for a twist of timing it was not quite ready to go to the painter, I let him have an old Range Rover LSE expecting to perhaps spend £10k on repairs and a repaint, like your project work and costs have spiralled and it is one of the reasons I decided to advertise some cars, space and time being another, I didn't especially want to sell LRU because it was being done to keep but if it is the one that goes so be it. Unless anyone fancies a Range Rover LSE with all the body frame, inner wings, rear floors sills etc rebuilt or replaced and a full back to metal respray, fingers crossed ready in the new year!
Would be happy to help when you are ready to take the plunge.
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