Thread: rebuild costs
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Old 07-11-21, 12:25 AM
Raymond Raymond is offline
Join Date: Nov 2021
Posts: 43

Thank you for that David. It is useful to know that a time served fettler like me would be able to build a budget engine. I understand these had Brivadium (Brico alloy 30) dry liners; in which case they should be able to withstand very high mileages even if the pistons/rings need replacement. I presume (don't know for sure) if such a hard surface can even be rebored, or do new liners need to be pressed in? - and what about the problem of bedding in. I have seen some of these bores and they go smooth as glass !

I have read (somewhere in the distant past) that there is a tendency for the block to suffer from frost damage... but I don't know if they are any more susceptible than any other.?

I recently rebuilt a 1926 Dodge Brothers 3.5 litre side valve engine which had suffered from cracking across the valve seat. This was repaired by cast iron stitching. Very impressive. I repaired a frost crack in the water jacket with Belzona...any one here used either method?
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