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Old 28-11-21, 10:49 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470

They might make those prices if someone has an engineless AC Ace, Cooper or Frazer Nash but recently I was approached by a Frazer Nash owner who specifically wanted an 85c engine a few minor parts and a diff. He suggested a price I could work with for the engine at £10K but at the last moment claimed to have been offered a 100D engine at £12.5k with issues, someone I mentioned it to described it as scrap at that price for a 100D, so the best option lies with the 85C series engines and the 100A series engines both of which can be modified for more power.
My time wasting buyer did himself no favours as the engine he wanted to build should have been based on an 85C unit, horse water drink!
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