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Old 01-12-21, 08:15 PM
dwomby dwomby is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Florida / Nova Scotia
Posts: 266
Default Ammeter behaviour and ignition light on questions

My car has an alternator with an internal regulator fitted in place of the original dynamo and regulator. Recently, the ignition warning light has refused to go out. It glows a bit all the time. I read that is an indication that the charging system is not working and there being an imbalance between the voltage coming from the battery and that from the alternator.

I checked the battery - 12.6V when the engine was off. 14.4V when the engine was running. So, those seem to indicate battery and alternator are working. Then today, driving, I noticed in a short distance today (say 3miles) the ammeter read as follows (all readings are approximate)

Ignition on, engine not running 0A
Starter engaged -20A
Engine running at idle - +20A
Driving +20a then a sudden drop to 0A. A few minutes later it was back at +20A then it dropped to 0A again, then up to 15A and stayed there until the engine was turned off.

I don't have experience monitoring an ammeter but is that normal? I'd expect it to stay + charging and gradually drop to 0 as the battery became recharged not drop to 0 then jump back up.

Any insights into this behaviour and/or the dimly glowing ignition light would be appreciated. Thanks.

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