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Old 04-12-21, 10:41 AM
Roger Morrall Roger Morrall is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 72

I also don’t know about the 411 but, as just been said, on the 410 lift the carpet behind the handbrake and remove the aluminium cover beneath it to expose a balance bar to the two handbrake cables which incorporates an adjustment, and here I quote the 410 handbook from memory "in the unlikely event of stretch in the handbrake cables".

Which may have been unlikely when the cars were built but unfortunately the only handbrake pads one can now buy off the shelf are faced with ridiculously hard material which requires a incredibly hard yank on the handbrake to have any effect at all, let alone pass the UK’s MOT test. So the likelihood now is that the cables are already stretched well beyond the scope of the adjustment.

I strongly recommend getting the pads refaced, specifying a soft material, rather than buying off the shelf, the improvement is remarkable
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