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Old 07-12-21, 08:33 PM
dwomby dwomby is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Florida / Nova Scotia
Posts: 265

Originally Posted by DODD View Post
Hi David,
Anyway, back to the point; I have taken a new live wire via a newly installed fused distribution board (and relay) in the battery compartment, from there my wire goes behind the dashboard to the switch position, before dropping down to the prop shaft tunnel below the carpet, the cable runs to and through the cross member supporting the rear seat base and then below the rear seat and into the compartment behind the steel plate in front of the petrol tank (the steel plate is directly behind the back of the rear seat), once there it’s a straight forward job to push the cable into the boot area in the vicinity of the fuel pump.
I suppose there are easier routes but as I have my back seat out, I have chosen this way.
Additionally, I have also added a few additional wires as a spare should I ever need it for something else.
Hope this helps.
Thanks, Brian. Firstly, having owned two XJ12s myself, I can imagine how quickly a Jaguar V12 can hit 90mph. A very scary thought!

I have my rear seats, and the steel bulkhead that is in front of the tank, out at the moment so your routing sounds very doable. Thanks.

As an aside, I couldn't work out what was powered by two wire harnesses that disappear through the metal under the rear seat. Finally, when I got the car on stands and went under, it became obvious - wiring for the (long since removed) Selectaride shocks!

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