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Old 05-01-22, 07:07 PM
Nick Challacombe Nick Challacombe is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK
Posts: 281
Default Mechanical vs electric fuel pump

I fitted a red top Facet to my 407 20 years ago, it failed this year after 56,000 miles. I fitted a one immediately.
The Facet came with a pressure regulator which I soon found the most suitable pressure for my 313 engine. I mounted the pump under the off side wing near the servo. It is mounted rubber insulation bolts so the tap, tap tap noise is hardly heard on tick over. My car is still positive earth, Facet used to do both positive and negative pumps. They now only offer negative but it is a simple job to wire it up for positive earth.
It is an almost instant start as mentioned not turning over the starter motor.
I can see no reason not to fit, just makes life simple.
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