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Old 08-01-22, 09:24 PM
dwomby dwomby is online now
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Originally Posted by Roger Morrall View Post
I don’t understand why you would need any more - that’s around the same pressure as is produced by the SU pumps on the later models. What you need is volume, which is not the same as pressure. Bear in mind that the Carter Carb literally just dumps the contents of the float chambers straight into the manifold on kickdown and you’ll see what I mean.

I found the SU double ended pump that I used to replace an extremely noisy Facet to excellent. Quiet in that it was inaudible with the engine running, even at tickover, but just loud enough to give you that reassuring tick tick as you turn the ignition on. Mine did me 20 years and never gave me any trouble at all.
Thanks for your input and you may well be right, Roger, but I ordered a replacement pump anyway. The one on there should have been putting out 12PSI and 140 USgph. For what it's worth, my carb isn't the Carter - it's a Summit Racing M08600VS. Also, I tested the pump later to empty the tank. The flow from it seemed rather pathetic but I did not measure it except that it took over 5 minutes to fill a 5 US Gallon container so approx. 48 Impgph? That almost certainly would have been adequate but I decide to replace it anyway. The SU pump was tempting but a bit pricey here plus the one I have ordered physically fits the mounts of the one I have removed.


Last edited by dwomby; 09-01-22 at 01:38 PM.
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