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Old 11-01-22, 05:39 PM
Roger Morrall Roger Morrall is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 72

I’d counsel trying to clean up the stud and even if that doesn’t work sticking with what you’ve got, in my experience the Caerbont alternative is pretty fiddly to set up and you may well lose a lot of hair before you get a better result!

By the way the resistor wire in the sender does take solder (something I discovered when I took my original sender apart and mended it after it had already been replaced. In my case the wire had parted half way down the track)

The brake fluid warning light was only connected to the ignition feed on one side and a crude contact to earth that activated if you were lucky when a float dropped in the master cylinder header. I’d suspect that the loose end that was left when the master cylinder was changed finally decided to touch the bodywork and that it’s pure chance that this happened whilst you were fiddling about with the fuel gauge and sender. It’s astonishing that an apparently inanimate object can choose the right moment to confuse and annoy one quite so accurately, but things like this happened to me all the time.
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