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Old 14-01-22, 10:37 AM
dwomby dwomby is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Florida / Nova Scotia
Posts: 265

Originally Posted by Kevin H View Post
I've had a Carter fitted in the boot of my 411. It makes enough noise so you can hear it fill the carb when you turn the ignition on, but once the engine is running you can't hear it. However, they seem to be unreliable and don't like being unused for long periods of time. My first one seized and just got hot - not ideal for a petrol pump, and it's replacement doesn't appear to working properly either. So I can't recommend them.

As for pressure, I don't know what the 313/318 engines need, but the 411 needs 5-5.5 PSI; I have a pressure regulator mounted inline next the carburettor unfortunately I can't tell you what flow rate is required.

As an aside, I once saw a 412 which was fitted with an electric pump which was used just to prime the carburettor before starting by pressing a button in the cabin, but still used the mechanical pump when running.
Sorry to hear that , Kevin, especially as a Carter is what I just took delivery of and plan to install this weekend! My first two choices were back ordered so I ordered the Carter P4070 as it's pretty inexpensive and I could have it now. If it fails, I still have my first choice of a Mallory Comp 70 on order or I might even try a Carter-clone.

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