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Old 14-03-22, 07:38 PM
David C David C is offline
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 339

I think this depends upon what you mean by a standard engine.

The 313 in the Bristol was Canadian built and offered slightly different options from the USA plant. These engines would be supplied with what could be described as standard equipment of a 2 barrel carburettor but the option chosen by Bristol was for a Carter AFB 4 barrel.

I don't know if Bristol had any custom modifications done prior to delivery or whether they made any modifications prior to fitting the engines in the cars but there are accounts of modification to the Torqueflite gearboxes. From memory one of the modifications was to prevent overheating in the tailshaft.

I read recently that Chrysler sent over far more reps to Bristol than would be expected for a customer of that size. Supposedly this was due to the high quality of engineering feedback they received from the Bristol engineers.

I look forward to hearing what you discover on this subject. There is plenty of rumour and speculation but it's quite difficult to get hard facts.
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