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Old 20-03-22, 01:00 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470

I got a similar impression when he was talking about the 603E and S though in that case he was talking the 318 engine down saying that production of the E was stopped because customers preferred the more powerful S, however this has never been supported by the respective numbers of each model owned by members of the BOC over the years, very few 603S' have been listed, far more 603E's until the S2 came along in far greater numbers than both, I have always had a suspicion that this had far more to do with the engines he had available or could get hold of as opposed to customer preference.
The other thing that amused me when I had the 411 was when I purchased a replacement starter motor from Bristol Cars and it came in a Chrysler Marine box, perhaps my 411 had a boat engine!
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