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Old 20-03-22, 05:59 PM
Roger Morrall Roger Morrall is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 73

I understand the torqueflight always had full throttle 3 - 2 kickdown, part throttle 3 - 2 kickdown was only introduced in the early 70s when it was perceived to be lagging behind Ford and GM in respect of this feature. I’ve no idea when this might have been introduced into Canada.

But talk of 3-2 kickdown and aftermarket mods doesn’t address my question, which I’ll rephrase.

How did it come about that Chrysler drivers equipped with the torqueflight can select 1st and and the gearbox will engage 1st as soon as their speed drops below 30mph, giving all the advantages of engine braking from that point to virtually standstill, whilst when Bristol drivers equipped with the torqueflight select 1st the gearbox will only engage 1st when the car is already practically at a standstill?

(Only once the Bristol driver has virtually stopped and selected 1st will excellent full engine braking be available whilst he takes the speed up again as far as revs allow whilst remaining in 1st. If revs don’t allow and he changes up to second he’s back to square one and has to virtually stop again before the gearbox will engage 1st)

It strikes me as a very odd state of affairs
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