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Old 20-03-22, 07:56 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Evening Tommy,
Its always difficult to put a value on drop head conversions of any car as it depends on so many factors, how well they have been done, are they an accurate copy or are they in the style of etc. Also factor in the hood and hood mechanism which can be tricky to reproduce or more so to work out if you are going for a one off style like the car built by Brabazon Motors.
If it was something like an Alvis TD/TE 21 being rebuilt with a commercially available conversion kit and done properly then the values tend to fall between the saloon and genuine dhc prices but from what I have seen closer to the former than the latter.
If you are thinking of going down the electric speedster route then perhaps end value should not be a major concern but getting a car that you are going to be personally happy with and enjoy and be prepared to answer all sorts of questions from fellow Bristol owners if you take it to an event. It looked from the photographs that some of the hard work on the body had already been done so hopefully a good basis to work from.
There are a few good photographs of Simon Drapers speedster in Bristol Cars Model by Model by Michael Palmer and it might be worth considering following an example he did on one of his earlier cars and replacing all the switch gear with parts from a Rolls Royce which are not only nice to look at but smooth to operate, breakers like Westminster Autos or Flying Spares should be able to help.
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