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Old 30-04-22, 09:36 AM
David C David C is offline
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 352

Per my post of 22nd March, if all is well on the driver's side you will have 2 x 12V supply and 2 x earth on the passenger switch. Check on the passengers switch with a meter that the 12V doesn't drop to nothing when the switch is operated. If it does then you have a high resistance in the wiring or the driver's door switch.

You can use a sealed beam headlamp bulb with flying leads to test that you have good supply and earths. It will draw about 4 amps which will be enough to show up any high resistance in wiring or switch.

Assuming the feed to the windows is fused you can very briefly test with the breakers bypassed to earth, although I doubt the breakers are at fault unless you have bad enough luck that they have both chosen to fail at the same time.
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