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Old 01-05-22, 12:03 PM
David C David C is offline
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 352

I suggest testing as follows:

Using sealed beam headlamp with flying leads, remove and test cables on rear of switch on passenger door - both 12V supplies and both earth paths through breakers. If these are all good then that suggests all is well with driver's side switch and cables to passenger side. It will also give an indication that the breakers are working.

If all good then remove middle cables on passenger door switch (motor cables) and very briefly apply 12V in both polarities - ideally from a suitably fused supply. If no movement of the window this will suggest either an unserviceable motor or wires to it or a micro switch that is not passing current - if indeed the 411 has them. The Piper motors on the 410s so equipped have a separate micro switch for each end of travel but I suspect the 411 just kills the path to earth when the motor stalls and the current increases.
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