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Old 21-07-22, 05:55 AM
DODD DODD is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 86

I had a similar conversation with Nick who guided me through the method they use at SLJ regarding the removal of the springs, with the obvious caveat, which worked a treat. There is a tremendous pressure on the springs when they are in position and great care must be taken removing them. When reassembling, using a trolley jack, the risk of the springs popping or shooting out to one side is great and very dangerous.

I think you may have made a typo in your posting as the springs should be compressed using 4No. Studs.

My car had the framework cut and re-welded prior to my ownership. Unfortunately it wasn’t welded back in position in a nice straight line. The framework does the job intended but aesthetically its not pleasing. I didn’t make new frames but just cleaned up all the steel and repainted everything.

I gave up trying to remove the lower ball joints without the correct socket and took them to SLJ, they removed the old ones and installed the new. It was well worth the 8 hour drive (round trip) as I knew they were correctly shimmed and torqued up. I can’t speak highly enough of SLJ; I realise you are somewhat further away from SLJ than I am! but there must be a Rolls/Bentley dealer near you.

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