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Old 09-08-22, 07:55 PM
Roger Morrall Roger Morrall is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 73

Yes indeed, thicker wooden spacer on the inside and thinner on the outside, both probably ash, and I believe that the sales literature of the period indicated that the sear heights could (thereby) be set to suit the owner. Brian Marelli once indicated to me that Bristols were also quite prepared to reset them for subsequent owners, no doubt at a price. Tony Crook, who was a marketing supremo, made much of Bristols being bespoke cars.

The original mounting screws into the floor pan were I believe bronze, as indeed were the screws that held down the transmission cover, so there is every chance that they will come undone. I only mention this if you are seeking originality but I dare say you could get away with using stainless in this day and age.

Which begs the question - why on earth would anybody have set the seats as you’ve found them?
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