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Old 02-09-22, 03:26 PM
Nick Challacombe Nick Challacombe is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK
Posts: 281
Default New owner 409

Welcome to the Bristol Forum. I have a 407 with what was a 313 engine but when rebuilt 10 years ago it needed 30thou pistons, discovered 40thou were std in the 318 engine so bored it out to that as they were 1/3 price of 30th being OE. I have tried to keep it as std but fitted electric power steering a few years ago, an electric fuel pump 20 years ago but almost every thing else is as it left the factory, Oh except for radial Michelin X tyres.
I have everything put to one side in case someone in years to come would like it totally original. Many parts are available from Bristol Parts owned by the club and many other from Pegasus run by "the other club".
I am available for help if needed having owned the beast for 22 years and done 60,000 miles in it.
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