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Old 19-09-22, 05:13 AM
peter dowdle peter dowdle is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: woodhouse australia
Posts: 261

David while I can give you no specific advice on fitting Vintage Air to a 409 I have done a lengthy and difficult fit to my 411 Mk2.

Nearly every air conditioner fitted by the factory were what I call under dash units which fit between the gear box hump and the dash board. I did not want to do it that way but instead purchase a Vintage air unit with the intention of utilizing the 411 air vents on the dash. The only way to do this was to remove the existing heater and blower and cut a large hole in the flat area of the fire wall above the gear box hump.

I could go on for hours but the results were both good and bad. Sitting in the car you could see nothing other than 3 small knobs , There is no evidence of any change to the cabin, it all looks original and untouched. The heater built into the Vintage Air Unit works well. Under the bonnet the unit was boxed in and covered with the standard 411 material cover. All you can see is an air compressor and extra hoses.

The big problem is that having to remove the factory blower the Vintage Air unit wont move sufficient air to get a good flow of cold air through the 4 vents on the dash. This results in a car that, on a hot day, wont get sufficient cold air flow. I have tried a number of modifications to improve the problem but are thinking about reverting to the under dash system.

In a 409 I suspect you wont have room under the dash to fit it and you will still need some vent system. I would be looking for the smallest compact unit and fit it under the dash above the gear box hump then all you need is a couple of hoses running back to the engine.

Best of luck
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