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Old 23-10-22, 04:48 PM
Green411 Green411 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2022
Location: Cambridge UK
Posts: 64

8mpg???? Blimey............When I drove my 411 home from the dealer a fag-packet sum based on the fuel guage suggested 10mpg, which I just couldn't live with, hence investigating Sniper efi as a possible option, and thus this series of posts. But subsequent, more accurate, sums show c.14mpg.
I honestly can't think what to suggest.....fuel leak? Did you get the carb new? If used, was it from someone who drag-raced a 440 or a Hemi and jetted accordingly? Are the plugs sooty? If not, then that might suggest a leak or evaporation?
Maybe you could fit a wide-band oxygen sensor, which would need a controller which could give you some info about air/fuel ratios etc?
In any event, good luck with it! I'm intrigued as to what the problem actually is, so hope to hear more.
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