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Old 20-12-22, 12:54 PM
David C David C is online now
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 340

At that price I would say it's a no brainer. According to my research the internals between petrol and diesel models are interchangeable, mainly the number and thickness of clutches.
I would imagine the benefit of the lockup would far outweigh any losses due to heavier duty internals.
My research suggests that the A and LA engines are internally balanced and should bolt up directly. The wide block engines will need an adapter and probably a different flexplate to balance the engine.
Please note that I'm not an expert on this and don't have a lot of practical experience but I have spent a good few hours on my own project so I think I'm qualified to suggest a few questions to ask those who are genuinely clued up on the subject.
For anyone seriously considering upgrade to overdrive the major considerations are cutting a chunk out of the crossmember on the car and making a new mount, shortening the prop shaft, upgrading transmission cooler pipes from 5/16 to 5/8 and probably fitting a new cooler or rebuilding the radiator to a higher spec. Also some work on the gearbox tunnel but I can't help with details of this as I found a smaller 42RH that I hope will not need any modification.
Control of the unit looks relatively straightforward with parts costing £100 to £200.
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