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Old 13-02-23, 09:25 PM
dwomby dwomby is online now
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Florida / Nova Scotia
Posts: 265

Progress. After many days of soaking the offending bolts with PB Blaster (penetrant), the 18 bolts holding the crossmember to the front of the frame rails have all been loosened ready for removal. The steering U-Joint has been disconnected from the steering box and the tubular frame ahead of the crossmember is all loosened up too.

One challenge remains before I try to actually remove the crossmember: there are bolts holding the inner fender wall to the top of the crossmember and, so far, I haven't got any of them out. There are 4 each side on the 408 (I think later cars only had 3) and they are partially hidden by a large ridge on the top of the crossbeam. It makes getting a socket on there impossible. So I will have to put a wrench there and use the socket inside except the clearances by the manifolds don't leave room for a socket there either on the rear two bolts each side! I attempted to cut the head off one bolt but I was trying to be sure I didn't cut the metal the bolt passes through and didn't cut far enough in so I cut the head, not the threaded neck!!!!

I think I'll be able to do it with help and a neighbour has offered to assist later this week.

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