Thread: 406 headlights
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Old 28-04-23, 05:50 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470

The early 401's and Bentley Mk Vi R type were fitted with the larger 770 lamps as opposed to the 700 units fitted to the later cars, I would not have expected these to be on a 406 but if the wings have been cut back a bit it may offer a solution. Some of the associated parts for these early lamps are available from Holdes (new) and from Flying Spares (new & s/h ) , Holden's may also have the adapters to fit the later 7" lamps to these bowls but not sure what outer chrome rings you would need or the source, I was told the Marchal lamps in the Brian May sale made serious money.
I cant access my parts store at the moment to give you the measurements of these early units due to a bad carpel tunnel inflammation but if it improves over the weekend I will try. There were two types of the larger bowls one that fitted behind the wing and one that fitted on top.
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