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Old 19-05-23, 07:00 PM
Roger Morrall Roger Morrall is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 73

We’ve all been stuck down there, but far worse is getting stuck in the same position in a Lotus Cosworth Super Seven. And that was in the days of my youth!

But neither you nor your auto electrician need to get under the dashboard to get at the Rev counter, it’s all above board as it were. But it will be necessary to remove the steering wheel etc as I mentioned previously.

My unreliable memory says that the "plastic block" mounts a removable copper link, held in place by two tiny screws. This link is then connected into the instrument itself to form another loop and transmits, by induction from the loop around the block, the "spark" current into the Rev counter. I have no idea what happens then. On second thoughts it occurs to me that if either of those tiny screws have become even slightly loose or corroded then the intended very slight induced voltage/ current might not ever reach the internals of the instrument. Another option perhaps?

I found a Facet fuel pump tiresomely noisy and reverted to the double ended SU. And never had any trouble with it.

By the way my unreliable memory also seems to recall hosting Hilary and Geoffrey Herdman for a night when they came down this way to pick up some better seats from Geoff Kingston for your car. Can that be true?
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