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Old 27-05-23, 10:15 AM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470

I must admit that I am a bit lazy about actually putting some water in the expansion tanks but on my 410 and 411 when I owned them the water always settled down a bit after I topped upto the rim. This was the same on my first 603 but the second one just bought last Tuesday is different, because there had been slight evidence of a possible minor leak in the pump area before the journey home my mechanic pal at least half filled the expansion tank, after the journey back about 350 miles the level in the rad was the same the next day, just below the rim, later in the day while testing lights etc with the engine running at idle I realised it was getting hot as the otter switch was not working, the override brought the temperature down but water had been expelled from the overflow on the expansion tank. When I took the cap off the rad the following day I expected the level to have dropped but it was absolutely full so a bit of extra water had come back in from the expansion tank.
I have a trip with the car planned next Monday so I won't put any extra water in the expansion tank to see what happens. Still debating whether to change the otter switch of put a more modern controller in the system.
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