Thread: 403 air filter
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Old 26-06-23, 05:07 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Sorry about that I was obviously looking for a source of Marina or Ital filters and these were also coming up as an alternative on some listings, also I had been told an A60 filter would fit but obviously from your photo they are not tall enough, I seem to remember one of the filter housings I had did not have a very tall filter in it so perhaps the same. I will ask my pal John who has an A55 Cambridge if he needs a filter and if so to give you a ring, he is a fellow BOC member.

A P.S to this,
I have just looked at my copy of the Fram Master Catalog again, the air filter listed for the Marina and Ital is a CA646, this is also listed for the later A60's from chassis number 50071, however the earlier A60's and A 55 MK2 used a CA641PL so a CA646 may not be suitable for that model.
The link I initially posted was for an equivalent filter to the later type because it was cheaper than some of the ebay options.
My Fram Catalog does not list anything for the 2/2.2 Litre cars but for the 409 & 410 it lists PH8A for Oil & CA160PL for Air. For the 411 PH43 is listed for Oil & CA127 for Air, for the later cars up to the Brigand/Britannia only the Oil filter is listed which remained at a PH43 throughout.

Last edited by Geoff Kingston; 26-06-23 at 06:41 PM.
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