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Old 13-07-23, 05:20 PM
Des Des is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 56

So a Decade on and still not really getting anywhere, relocated to Ludlow a few years ago, the 403 was pushed into a barn but not forgotten, I fired it up earlier this year, spluttered its way out as the carbs need a clean, thanks modern claggy fuel, not done a thing since. I struggle to find time for anything these days and find myself thinking of moving it on again. No idea of values, although it does look like Bristol price tags are stagnant whilst everything else has rocketed, I mean even an Allegro is thousands in these mad times. with that in mind I do wonder if my cars value would equate that of the engine sold separately, it's a nice 100AB2, I hate the concept of this but fingers burnt in the past where I was assured I had found a good home for a nice old car then witnessed it resold, dismembered, bit by bit fetching a very tidy sum for the hatchet man. If robbing the engine would fetch me a similar price, I still have the car albeit in need of something alternative fitting but plenty of funds to help it actually happen, and I wouldn't be paranoid about driving it as it should. I fear I would get more for the engine alone, as for selling the car whole I would need to do it as quick as ripping off a band aid to lessen the pain.
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