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Old 31-07-23, 05:07 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 470

There is also an overhaul kit available for these joints.

The correct tool to remove it can be hired from flying spares or purchased from British Tool Works in the US.

Kelly is a great guy to deal with and his service is incredibly quick the last tool I ordered from him was invoiced and paid for on a Tuesday afternoon and was with me on the Thursday of the same week before lunch time.

I bought the ball joint socket specifically to work on my 1992 Bentley Brooklands so it is a bonus that I have it to work on my Bristol 603's should the joints ever need attention on those.

We had already replaced the ball joint on the Bentley but did not have the socket then with the result that my mechanic wrecked the old one getting it out so an overhaul kit was out of the question.

Kevin the link to the Introcar site is for the same part but to a rebuilt joint which at the moment they don't appear to have in stock , they do have a pattern part listed at £197.50 which is cheaper than the OE part, Flying Spares may have a similar option.

It was Bill Lawson in BODA who alerted me to the fact that these joints were the same as the ones Bristol used on the later V8's.

Last edited by Geoff Kingston; 31-07-23 at 05:14 PM.
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