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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-23, 11:23 AM
AndrewA AndrewA is online now
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 202

The article highlights the problem I had on mine when it came back from having the selector fitted.
My gearbox is wider than original and Martin Barnes got round this (when he did the conversion nearly 23 years ago) by engineering in a bit of flop (not slop!) into the rods and linkages and extended a few others. The garage tightened everything up before they gave me the car back and removed the flop hence no kickdown. It took me about two hours of looking and thinking but once I'd understood what he'd done and why it was a five minute job to put a bit more slack into the system.
I did seriously consider the Lokar solution - you apparently do need to use their gas/accelerator pedal as well - or so I've read - but then local mechanic pointed out that what I've got works perfectly well so why not stick with that - at least until current setup fails - so I am!
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