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Old 21-10-23, 12:06 PM
David C David C is offline
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 349

Dimensions were spot on. You can test the fit before the leather is sewn up.

I had a trimmer redo the door pulls on my 410. He machine stitched down both sides of the leather and then hand stitched the sides together. This wasn't very smart as the leather sleeve can then rotate around the rubber and expose the stitching.

If you inspect the original rubber tube you will see that some of the stitches passed through. I found a much better trimmer who did a really nice job.

Your next challenge is to get suitable cord and find someone to do the Turk's head knots. We thought we had found something suitable but it turned out to be too heavy. My mother in law came to the rescue and wove some finer thread from silk which I now need to use to replace the first attempt.



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