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Old 28-03-24, 12:07 AM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Years ago I bought the belts and fitting kit off them for my S2 Bentley and have still not got round to it. Compared to what some inexperienced garages may charge I don't think that is a bad price, but if you can weld or have access to someone who can this job can be done for a lot less. I have not recently looked to see if there are any long reach inertia reel belts available but certainly the shorter reach belts as used on the 603 are readily available. The issue is how you deal with the top mount on the door pillar, I will try in the next few days to photograph how Bristol dealt with this on the 603 and send you them directly.
The mount is lower than the mounts shown in their pictures and that may be down to current guidance, I had a look last night to see if the rails for the floor mount were on the scrap car but they were not even when I acquired it.
An alternative may be to mount the inertia reel units in the rear passenger footwells next to the transmission tunnels, a guide for the belt on the inboard top of the seats and a stalk between the seat and the door or perhaps better as was often done the receiver on another length of belt mounted between the door and the seat.
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