Thread: Starter 408 mk1
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Old 24-05-24, 03:05 PM
Nick Challacombe Nick Challacombe is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK
Posts: 281
Smile 408 starter motor

The 313 engine was never built in USA it was Canadian, Tony Crook aka Bristol cars sourced their engines from Chrysler Canada for the very simple reason, that Canada was part of the Commonwealth and as such no import duty was charged. Jenson imported theirs from USA! that is though an aside, the starter motor and generator were common to that era of Plymouth, De Soto and trucks!
The same starter as others have suggested in one the 407 up to and including the 410. It is readily obtainable in the UK for American Car Spares Suppliers and in the USA but mentioning the 313 does muddy the waters, stick to the 318 as a starting point. My 407 now has a 318 by virtue of the fact that the best over size pistons on rebuild were +40th and were 1/3 the price of a 30thou as those were just for the 313. Every other dimension of the engines is identical, I am led to believe.
Just think of your engine as a 318 when searching for parts and you cannot go wrong in our years of Canadian manufacture 1958 unril about 1968 for our cars.
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