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Old 10-07-24, 04:56 AM
Roger Morrall Roger Morrall is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 73

You don’t describe the symptoms.

Be aware that there were two sorts of fuel gauge- The posh sort, as used by Bristols, which shows the fuel level as soon as you switch the ignition on and the basic sort, as used on eg Morris Minors, where the gauge takes a time to react.

The posh sort will immediately show Full, indeed over Full, if the tank unit has gone open circuit whilst the basic type will show Empty.

So if yours shows full all the time it could be the tank unit or the connection between the gauge or the tank. If it shows empty all the time I’d suspect the connections to the gauge as while the gauge itself is very clever it’s also extremely robust. By the way the gauge has to have both earth and power connections so if it appears to be the problem check both
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